Sandy Hook speech

Barack Obama: Presidential

First Term

Dates: 2008-2012

Campaign: Change and Hope

Election: Making History

Major Events

Second Term

Dates: 2012-2016

Campaign: Technology and Votes

Re-election: Another Victory

Major Events

2008 Campaign: Change and Hope

The 2008 presidential campaign focused on the themes of hope and change. The use of imagery was strong in the campaing. One example is the famous Hope poster, designed by Shepard Fairey. It depicts Obama's portrait in red, Hope posterblue, and beige, with the word "HOPE" below him. This image and other versions came to represent the campaign. Another recognizable symbol in the campaign was the logo, which consists of a sun rising over the horizon in an "o" shape. The colors used are solid red, white, and blue. The logo was designed by Chicago-based design compandy Sender LLC, who describes the image of the sun rising over the horizon as evoking a new sense of hope, a new day. The theme of change appealed to many voters across the country, flipping key states in the election. Two slogans used extensively were "Yes We Can" and "Change we can believe in".

One key part of the campaign was the use of technology and social media to reach a wide variety of voters. A lot of information about Obama and his policies was available online, with email and text alerts sent to followers. His campaign site, nicknamed "MyBO", Screenshot of Obama's 2008 campaign sitebecame the center for information that many voters followed. This effective social media strategy marked a change in how campaigns used social media, and definitely helped to elect him.

The question of who Obama's running mate would be was not answered until late August of 2008, when Delaware Senator Joe Biden was announced as the final choice. There had been a few contenders, Obama and Biden campaigning in 2008but Biden was ultimately chosen because he could relate well to some blue-collar voters, he was well connected in D.C., and had many connections in foreign policy. With that, the Obama-Biden ticket was ready to enter the race for the White House against John McCain and Sarah Palin of the Republican Party.Obama shaking hands with supporters

2012 Campaign: Technology and Votes

On April 4, 2011, Obama officially announced his candidacy for a second term. As a popular incumbent, Obama faced little challenges and secured the Democratic nomination easily along with his vice president, Joe Biden. Key members of his 2008 campaign staff returned for the re-election effort, along with many new hirings of tech workers from giants like Twitter, Google, and Facebook. This technology based team was instrumental in securing another victory.

The Republican ticket in this election was former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney, and Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan. According to polls, Obama held a significant advantage over Romney going into the election. His campaign's stategy was to depict Romney as an out of touch elite, Obama at a campaign eventwhich was fortified by Romney's blunders along the way. According to a senior Obama campaign official, Romney "looked the part...the Brylcreemed executive who comes into a town and asks why we’re making Electrolux vacuums here when we can do it cheaper in China." It was not difficult for voters to spot the differences between the two candidates, and Romney's privileged background made it harder to connect with vital groups of voters. During the 2008 campaign, Obama's powerful speeches were central to the strategy, however, Obama meeting young votersin this election, the campaign focused more on Romney and why he wasn't the right man for the job.

The effort to get out the vote was again successful. The campaign effectively targeted growing groups of voters using data and technology to identify likely supporters. Two initiatives — GottaRegister and GottaVote — encouraged and prepared people to register and vote in both primaries and the general election. These methods helped to capture key votes in specific race, age, and gender groups. Below is a video from the GottaVote initiative.

2008 Election

2008 electoral map
2008 Election Results
Candidate Party Electoral Votes Popular Votes
Barack Obama Democratic 365 69,456,897
John McCain Republican 173 59,934,814

Election: Making History

The election of Obama in 2008 was hugely historic. He became the first African American and biracial president ever in history. He captured key voter groups like African Americans, women, and members of the LGBTQ community. Analysis shows that Obama won more black, Hispanic, and Asian votes, as well as votes from those aged 18-29. A record number of votes was cast in this election, over 131 million. The turnout rate was calculated to be as high as 63%, the highest since 1960. This election made history in several ways.

The Obama family on election night, 2008

2012 Election

2012 electoral map
2012 Election Results
Candidate Party Electoral Votes Popular Votes
Barack Obama Democratic 332 65,446,032
Mitt Romney Republican 206 60,589,084

Re-election: Another Victory

The re-election of Obama in 2012 was another incredible win. The analysis of the voting demographics was similar to the analysis from 2008: Obama won the votes of women, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, young voters, and LGBTQ community members. The Romeny-Ryan ticket was preferred by whites and older voters. However, Romney and Ryan both lost their home states — Massachusetts and Wisconsin respectively — becoming the first major party ticket to lose both of their nominees' home states since the 1972 election.

Michelle and Barack Obama celebrate with Joe and Jill Biden

First Term: Major Events

  • 5/26/2009: Justice Sonia Sotomayor
    Obama and SotomayorObama nominates federal judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace retiring Justice David Souter. She was confirmed that August.

  • 10/9/2009: Nobel Peace Prize
    Obama is awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

  • 3/20/2010: Affordable Care Act
    The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, becomes law. This is the most significant regulatory overhaul of the healthcare system since the 1960s.

  • 5/10/2010: Justice Elena Kagan
    Obama nominates Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court.

  • 12/22/2010: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
    Obama repeals the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, which allows people to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces as openly gay, lesbian and bisexual.

  • 5/1/2011: Osama bin Laden Killed
    Obama announcing the death of Osama bin LadenObama confirms the death of Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda.

  • 10/21/2011: End of Iraq War
    Obama announces that the role of the United States in the Iraq War is over, and that the troops will be home by December.

  • 5/9/2012: Support of Gay Marriage
    Obama announces his support of same-sex marriage.

Second Term: Major Events

  • 12/14/2012: Sandy Hook
    Obama addresses the country after the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut left 20 children and 6 adults dead. He promises to push for gun control legislation.

  • 2/12/2014: Minimum Wage
    Obama signs an executive order that increases the minimum wage to $10.10 from $7.25 for all federal workers on federal contracts.

  • 6/26/2015: Gay Marriage UpheldThe White House lit up in rainbow colors after the Supreme Court ruled that same-sex marriage was Constitutional
    The Supreme Court rules that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage.

  • 8/3/2015: Clean Power Plan
    Obama and the EPA introduce the Clean Power Plan to fight climate change.

  • 9/23/2015: Pope Francis VisitObama and Pope Francis
    Pope Francis visits the White House.

  • 1/17/2016: Iran Deal
    Obama announces the following deal with Iran: to prevent the building of nuclear weapons, certain international sanctions were lifted on Iran.

  • 2/13/2016: Justice Antonin Scalia
    A vacancy opens on the Supreme Court when Justice Antonin Scalia is found dead. Congress refuses to hold confirmation hearings.

  • 3/20/2016: Visit to Cuba
    Obama visits Cuba, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to do so since 1928.